The Peacebuilding Practitioner

The Exciting World of Digital Peacebuilding - With Anne-Marie Buzatu from the ICT4Peace Foundation

December 12, 2023 Bjöern Eser and Anne-Marie Buzatu Season 3 Episode 2

The Exciting World of Digital Peacebuilding - With Anne-Marie Buzatu from the ICT4Peace Foundation

Welcome back to season three of The Peacebuilding Practitioner’s podcast. Season three is all about digital peacebuilding, this highly complex, tremendously exciting, often messy, and quickly developing intersection where emerging technologies and the digital world on the one hand and conflict transformation, peacebuilding, human rights and social justice work on the other hand meet.

Today's guest is Anne-Marie Buzatu, the Executive Director of the ICT4Peace Foundation in Geneva/Switzerland.

To learn more about Anne-Marie's work, please check out the ICT4Peace Foundations' homepage or follow her on LinkedIn.

Anne-Marie's special resource recommendation mentioned during the show is from the ICRC and the ICRC's blog on humanitarian law and policy can be found here as articles or here as  podcast

Additional resources mentioned in the podcast are as follows:

  • Fondation Hirondelle's homepage can be found here.
  • ICRC article  '8 rules for “civilian hackers” during war, and 4 obligations for states to restrain them' can be found here.
  • ICRC's podcast 'Humanity in War' can be found here.
  • Swiss Government and the ICRC: The Montreux Document on Private Military and Security Companies can be found here.
  • United Nation's Open Ended Working Group working on responsible state behaviour in cyber space can be found here.
  • Ideas by Costa Rica about responsible behaviour in cyber space can be found here, with comparisons to the position of the USA, the EU, or Canada.
  • Yanis Varoufakis' book Technofeudalism can be found here.

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To learn more about our work, please visit The Peacebuilding Practitioner website.

The music in this podcast is 'Acoustic Vibe' from RomanSenykMusic